02.26.17 Recap
Attacking Machine Learning with Adversarial Examples by Ian Goodfellow, Nicolas Papernot, Sandy Huang, Yan Duan, Pieter Abeel & Jack Clark
Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning by Barret Zoph and Quoc Le
Ford is putting $1 billion into an AI startup, Detroit’s biggest investment yet in self-driving car tech by Johana Bhuiya
Understanding Agent Cooperation by DeepMind
A Low-Power Artificial Synapse Could One Day Interface With the Brain by Rachel Courtland and IEEE
Attn: Elon Musk 😉 Jokes aside, this is very interesting work and is something I am tracking, as well.
Stipe Atlas by Stripe (Great work 👏 )
Building Global Community by Mark Zuckerberg
Inside Facebook's AI Machine by Steven Levy
Navigating Mid-Success by Sam Altman
Doing the Right Thing > Doing Things Right by Mark Suster
What great managers do daily by Ryan Fuller and Nina Shikaloff
Fundraising Rounds Are Not Milestones by Michael Seibel
Microsoft machine learning program tackles coding drudgery by Serdar Yegulalp
Fake news and neurobabble: how do we critically assess what we read? by Pete Etchells
Drew Houston on How to Build the Future by Sam Altman
Real life CSI: Google's new AI system unscrambles pixelated faces by Alex Hern
How to drive shareholder value with artificial intelligence by Stephen Pratt
Roborace finally reveals its self-driving racecar by Sean O'Kane
Google Gives $11.5 M to Groups Fighting Racial Inequality by Abigail Abrams
YC 2017 Annual Letter by Sam Altman
Office Hours with Kat Malanac by YCombinator
What Workplace Networks Reveal About Your Collaboration Patterns and Influence by Richard Tso
Airbnb’s Surprising Path to Y Combinator by Leigh Gallagher
AMA w/ Joanna Bryson by Joanna Bryson
ASILOMAR AI Principles by the Future of Life Institute
What's Next for AI Home Assistants? by Jamie Condliffe
120 Machine Learning business ideas from the latest McKinsey report by Théo Szymkowiak
The Startup Funding Dictionary by Andy Sparks and Josh Levy