02.12.17 Recap

How to Build a Hard Tech Startup by Jason Rosenthal
MVP --> MVTV (minimally viable technical validation). Offers some interesting perspectives on chasing hard tech problems. 

ACLU joins YC by Sam Altman
This is awesome. And timely. Excited to see how things go. More non-profits, NGOs, and even governments could benefit from such an experience. 💯

Managing With Immature AI by Sam Ransbotham
Just because we are in an AI spring doesn't mean it's always fully baked. With so much hype, the current state of AI doesn't always live up to its promise and early products can disappoint. Sam offers why managers should not sit on the sidelines and wait until it develops further — they should start incorporating AI into business processes now.

Cybersecurity Experts Uncover Dormant Botnet of 350,000 Twitter Accounts by  Emerging Technology from the arXiv

Request for Startups: News, Jobs, and Democracy by YCombinator
Very important issues with lots of room for innovation and disruption

Chan Zuckerberg Biohub funds first crop of 47 investigators by Jocelyn Kaiser

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